Blue Devil
Mooresville High School
Class of 1966
40th Reunion Information
September 30, 2007
Blue Devil

Bill Kiser took photos of the reunion and they are available on CD for $10; contact him if you want a copy for yourself. Click here to view some of the photos.

Shelia Brantley put together a questionnaire that rattled our memory which forced us to mangle to find the answers. She also had a world map for us to pin the places we have traveled and boy did we travel. There were 64 places pin in addition to all 50 states, just look where we have been.

All 50 states Cayman Grenada Nuku Spain
Antiqua Chad Guma Oman Suva
Aruba Chgos Haiti Opia Taiwan
Austalia China Iran Pago Thailand
Austria Columbia Israel Pakistan Tortola
Bahamas Demark Italy Peru Turkey
Bali Dominican Republic Jamaica Philippines Turks and Caicos
Barbados Ethiopia Japan Ponta Delgada United Arab Emirates
Bermuda Fiji Jordan Portugal US Virgin Islands-ST. John, ST Croix
Botswana France Mexico Puerto Rico Vanuatu
British Indian Ocean Germany Midway Islands Samoa Vavau
Cambodia Greece New Zealand Singapore Venezuela
Canada Nigeria South Africa Viet Nam

Classmates Comments

Gee Bobby, I don't know where to start. Maybe I should start by saying "Thank You" to you, your family and the reunion committee for an outstanding reunion. I really enjoyed not only Saturday night, but also the breakfast and school tour. It was great to see and talk with folks I haven't seen since the night of graduation. I thought the idea of filling in the squares was a great way for people to mingle and not get involved with just a few people. The map with where all we have been since graduation was very interesting as well as it provided for some interesting conversations as we were placing pins on the map. I am looking forward to getting together again in the future and I agree that we shouldn't wait ten years. Looking forward to keeping in touch with some folks. Take care and "Thanks" again for all that you did to make this event a success.

Dennis Brown -

PS I know Cheryl enjoyed the reunion as well, and took away some ideas for her next class reunion.

Bobby, It was great fun seeing everyone again. We like Jim's idea of mini reunions. Maybe we can stay in touch with each other that way. Thanks for all the hard work the committee did to make it a special night. We hope everyone who was unable to come can make it to the next time we get together. Also, the web page is great.

Judy and Chip Stonestreet -

Really enjoyed the reunion. The only complaint was that the room needed another 1000 sq feet.. Was just a little conjested during the social hour. It was nice that the patio was available. Helped ease my claustrophobia I thought the meal was very good and the chicken was not rubber.

Your hard work was appreciated and. I think, noticed by everyone.

Rick Harrington -

Had a great time. Comment. If you had to select which group men or women that had changed the most - Men would get the prize. Women color hair and wear makeup to look younger. Probably bought new outfits to look slimmer and had their hair done special. Maybe a nip and tuck if the price is right.
The men - well - men that were once dark hair now were gray, white, or lacking. Some that were muscular now were a little larger. Some that were a little larger were now smaller (surprise was even shorter?). Did not wear glasses and now they do - but some wore glasses and now they don't (contacts?) Was great meeting everyone again!

Wanted all the planners to know - think the group planning did an excellent job.


Sandy (Raxter) Greene -

Had a wonderful time, it was great to see every one. I would agree with Jim that at least once a year would be good.

Again, THANKS to you and others for making it happen!

Gary Laws -

Hi Bobby, I had a great time and I know everyone else did also. I really enjoyed doing the photos and I hope everyone will like them. I think the mini reunion is a great idea. working on cd's. see you soon
Bill Kiser -

I would like to thank you for the neat web site that you put together. It was really great to see everyone again. Mini reunions would be fun. Again thanks for your efforts.

Jim Pope -

The party was wonderful as were all who attended. Thanks to those who made it such a great success and yet another fond Blue Devil memory.

Tim's idea of mini reunions is a good one. I still have "the party house" on the Lake (equipped with a 60's style Juke Box) which could be used seasonally.(fall, spring, summer) There is plenty of outside room for a garden style party.

Lancaster's could possibly cater or everyone could contribute a "dish".

Pasted below is a cute class reunion poem, author unknown - Until we meet again....

Bumbi (Neel) Cline -

Three thoughts:

There was an announcement about contributing toward a gift but I never saw where to give. Where can I send a check and who do I make it to.

There must be some cost to maintain a website. Make sure we share the cost.

There was a book of clippings of old teachers. If anybody knows where it is, I'd like to see it get back to Park View School.

Thanks again for your work and your family's work in making this a truly memorable reunion

Bill Cruse -

I think it is the best reunion we have had. I like Jim Holt's suggestion about having mini reunions.

Bobby Cole -

I really enjoyed our good to see old friends!! Meeting occasionally for a mini reunion sounds good. Just let me know when & where and I'll try my best to be there. Getting a group together might be hit or miss through.....I'm sure you know that.

As soon as one of my daughters shows me how to get the pics from my camera to the computer I'll send the photos to you that I took that night.

Please tell Susan the cake was very good! I wouldn't mind have the recipe (hint hint).

Barbara (Moore) DeVane -